fall dolly kenai.jpgFall has arrived on the Kenai and the fishing is still going strong. The river had been ultra-low in late September but rain in the headwaters brought the water levels way up. Even with this increased flow the clarity was quite good. This higher water ended up washing thousands of carcasses off the bank and into the river. It is a virtual flesh-fest right now. This in turn woke up Mr. Dolly in his full spawning colors. In some areas washed out flesh on the swing was the ticket. MOAL Rhoids, Barely Legals in Flesh Washed and S&B's in Flesh were all producers.

In other spots there was so much flesh rolling down the river that it was hard to get a grab on a flesh fly. If this is the case, switch over to 8mm or 10mm beads in Mottled Orange, Mottled Tangerine or Guide Model Beads #2 in Tangerine or Orange Clear. 

The Middle River had been fishing hot but a ton of silt from Skilak Lake got flushed into the river and clarity dropped way down. Grabs decreased proportionally. Until it clears fishing will be tough on the middle. The Killey River is pumping mud so anything below this trib is pretty much unfishable. 

Silver are still pushing in and can be found in the slower back eddies and pools. Try a Pink Hareball Leech or Black Starlite Leech with Green Head. 

It's not over yet! Get out and give it a last shot.