Rainbow Trout
Meet the Fish: Rainbow Trout The resident relative of the steelhead, the rainbow trout is native to the Kenai, Southern Interior, Bristol Bay [...]
Meet the Fish: Rainbow Trout The resident relative of the steelhead, the rainbow trout is native to the Kenai, Southern Interior, Bristol Bay [...]
Meet The Fish: Steelhead Perhaps the least abundant but most sought-after species of Salmonid is the steelhead. These sea-going rainbow trout are found [...]
Meet The Fish: Chum Salmon The Chum is often regarded as the “Ugly Stepsister” of Alaskan salmon species, but this stepsister can really [...]
Meet the Fish: Pink Salmon The most abundant of Alaska’s salmonids, the pink salmon can be found in great numbers in almost every [...]
Meet The Fish: Silver Salmon The “fall prince” of salmon, cohos are often referred to as “Silvers” for their distinct chrome-plated appearance when [...]
Meet the Fish: Sockeye Salmon The second most abundant salmon in Alaska, the sockeye is also referred to as the “red salmon” due [...]
Meet The Fish: Grayling With its distinctive sailfish-like dorsal fin, the grayling is perhaps the most striking of Alaskan game fish. Found in [...]
Meet The Fish: Coastal Cutthroat The smallest of Alaska’s native trout species, the cutthroat is only found in the Southern portion of the [...]
Meet the Fish: Lake Trout The largest of Alaska’s freshwater fishes, the lake trout is actually a char, and thus closely related to [...]
Meet the Fish: Northern Pike Praised by some, damned by others, the northern pike has a unique status as both native game fish [...]
Winter Hours: Monday – Friday 11am – 5:30pm. Saturday 11am – 4:00pm. Sunday Closed.