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There is a guide service called Game Creek Guides that offers fly fishing trips in Hoonah, AK. They can make arrangements to pick [...]
The Togiak is a fairly large river and it can be unforgiving to new anglers. This should help you to have the best [...]
A lot of the fly fishing efforts for kings on the Alagnak is done in the lower stretches of the river. Here a [...]
The rivers and shoreline around Juneau host a wealth of fly fishing opportunities. From sea run Dolly Varden in the spring to pink [...]
Early July on the Kenai is prime for sockeye, dollies and rainbows. No silvers that early in the season. For sockeye check out our [...]
That should be a great trip! We outfit a lot of Goodnews floats and invariably hear back about how awesome it is.For fly [...]
Chasing steelhead on the Situk is prime the last week of April thru the first tree weeks of May. Go to patterns include [...]
How well would g3 simms waders hold up to devils club?This is an excellent question! Of all of the spiny plants found in [...]
Winter Hours: Monday – Friday 11am – 5:30pm. Saturday 11am – 4:00pm. Sunday Closed.