
Been using this fly for years. It’s my go to fly for pike, Walleye, Bass, Calico bass, barracuda and yellowtail.
I use Tyger wire for pike, what size wire do you use and what type of knot ?



Thank you for checking in with us on this. Those Gen X Tiger Tails are pretty darn effective. Typically when it comes to leaders, I like to use 20-30# bite wire or similar knotable wire. I use a small Duo Lock snap for the fly and use a Uni Knot for connecting to wire. Then I use a double Uni know when conjoining the wire to a medium to hard mono of 30-40#. Most of the pike that we see on our trips to Bristol Bay and other areas are “hammer handles” in the 24-28″ range. I would probably beef up if I were to go chase some of the trophy pike in the Yukon or else where.

Best of luck out fishing,
