As we roll into July the next chapter of our fishing season is just starting. Pink & chum salmon are in the saltwater near the creek mouths, Dolly Varden are making their annual migration back to freshwater and the king season keeps chugging along.

Chrome king from June 29th.
The king run this year has been unusual to say the least. June never had a big push of fish where fly anglers were consistently catching kings, but the run just keeps going at a slow but steady level and might even be picking up. The hot spot seems to move on a daily basis from Lena to Thane to Auke Creek and now Fish Creek is finally kicking out some fish. The trolling crowd continues to catch fish in Fritz Cove and Auke Bay so we know they haven't all arrived yet. And the kings that are being caught are still very bright. If you've still got the stoke to chase kings, it definitely isn't over. Fish Creek is a good bet to try as those fish move in and out of the intertidal area before finally returning to the pond. A high tide dropping out is often most productive. Don't overlook Lena up by the picnic shelters at low tide as well.

The kings are still bright!
Pink salmon are starting to show up off of local beaches which is a welcome addition to our fishing. Especially after the very low runs of the last few seasons. Lena Cove, Fish Creek and Echo Cove all have some pinks. We expect the numbers to build over the next few weeks and those fish will push up into Fish Creek and Cowee Creek. Good pink fishing looks to be on the horizon. Of course our Humpy Hooker in Pink or Searunner Special are super effective flies off the beach.
Chum salmon have shown up off of Amalga Harbor in good numbers and the area around Peterson Creek has reopened to fishing. Chums in the saltwater are notoriously difficult to take on the fly but if you want to give it a go try a UV Calamari in Chartreuse or Keep It Glassy in Chartreuse or Pink Pearl. These subtle squid-looking flies on a slow retrieve will often entice a chum to open his mouth and eat it.
If you're ready to pick up the trout rod again, Dolly Varden are moving back into the freshwater in anticipation of the salmon arriving. Cowee Creek out the road is a great place to do some Dolly fishing. Before the salmon arrive and start dropping eggs, Dollies are on the hunt for attractor pattern-style flies like Honey Holes, AK Clouser Minnows in Fuschia/Pink and Cerise/Orange and baitfish flies like Stinger Clouser Minnows. After chunking a 10 weight for kings for the last month, it's nice to go light for a bit.
On a shop note, we have another free casting class coming up on Thursday July 8th from 6pm - 8pm. If you are new to fly fishing and want to give it a try or just need to brush up on your casting then this is for you. The class is free but you must RSVP to hold a spot. Give the shop a call at 586-1550 to hold your spot.
Have a fun 4th of July weekend. The shop will be closed on Sunday July 4th and we'll be back open on the 5th at 9am.