Chartreuse appears to be the lucky color for this happy angler.
Juneau's roadside coho fishery is in full swing and getting better by the day. The fairly small tides we had last week produced slow but steady action for most however, a hand full of anglers reported coming across isolated schools of fish that made for "quick and easy" fishing. Our tides are building as we get closer to the new moon and they will continue to get stronger throughout all of next week. We fully expect these large tidal swings to drive larger pulses of fish into the channel and turn fishing from good to great as the week progresses. Keep your fingers crossed that this new bout of rain settling in over the coming days doesn't muddy up the channel too much.

Put in your time and you will be rewarded.
We received a number of reports that smaller profile flies and baitfish patterns are becoming less productive and bulkier attractor flies with ample action are starting to pick up more fish. With the larger tides and currents coming up its a good idea to have some heavier weighted flies in your box and/or a 5 foot fast sinking poly leader to help you get down in the zone. Chartreuse/white Dolly Llama's and Mr. Bodangles, Party Girl, pink/chartreuse (aka tutti frutti) STS Leeches and Dolly Llama's, and black/chartreuse Dirty Hoh patterns are solid options to consider for the upcoming conditions.

Some of those bucks are stout!
Per usual for this point in the run, Sheep creek and the general Thane area have been putting out the most fish consistently. It should come to no surprise that as more and more fish begin to show up, so do plenty of anglers. With that said, this is a good time to remind everyone that as fishing space gets tighter out there remember to be respectful and kind to your fellow anglers. Communicating with those around you goes a long way and often times leads to a much more enjoyable experience for all. With popular spots becoming more crowded as fish arrive in greater numbers now is the perfect time to explore new areas to find fish, and solitude.

Don't forget the Dollies!
Fishing for dollies and cutties has been spotty in Cowee creek and Montana creek with the frequent rise and fall of water flows we had this week. Those who managed to hit the sweet spot on the rivers did well fishing 8 mm peachy orange beads, AK clousers, honey holes, and top-water gurglers. The forecast is calling for a long stretch of rain this week which will likely have the rivers running high and off color through the weekend. However, watch for sustained periods of light, or no rain, early next week for a window of lower flows before you hit the river.

Laying out some tight loops.
We have Grab & Go Coho fly packs available at the shop in 6 or 12 fly quantities for those needing a well-rounded selection of recommended "go-to" patterns and colors. If you are looking to purchase your first fly rod or upgrade your old rod come by the shop we currently have a well stocked supply of 8 and 9 weight Echo and Sage rods in our inventory.
We love to hear from you! If you're into being social we invite you to follow us on Instagram and Facebook and feel free to share and tag us in your photos. We are always looking for fresh photos for our fishing reports. If you would like to submit your photo for the chance of it being highlighted in our weekly fishing reports send photo to info@alaskaflyfishinggoods.com, tag us and DM your photo to our social channels.
Thanks again for all of your continued support! Happy fishing and see you on the water!