Well, this season has proven to test us as anglers a bit with questionable weather and shy trout around town. However, for the anglers who have been putting in the time on the water, they have been rewarded with fiesty fish.
The Dolly Varden fishing continues to get better day by day and tide by tide. Places to check for Dollies: Everywhere there is salmon fry/smolt in the water. The hatchery has scheduled releases the next couple of weeks, so there should be fish everywhere soon. Focus on bracketing low tides (two hours before - two hours after) in the estuaries of creeks where salt and freshwater mix. Think Sheep Creek, Salmon Creek, Echo Cove, Boy Scout Beach. Try flies like the Fryolator, AK Clouser, Stinger Clouser in realistic fly colors.
As for salmon, sockeye season is soon approaching, witht this Saturday being the first opener at Windfall creek. Remember that aside from Wednesday's and Saturday's, Windfall creek is closed to fishing the month of June, and entirely in July. If you'd like to try your luck for a fresh sockeye, try flies such as the Red Hot, Sockeye Lightning, and Copper Swan.Dolly Varden caught in an estuary off the Juneau road system by Jake Fleetwood.
As always, we'd love to see your fishing photos! Send photos to:
Instagram: @alaskaflyfishinggoods
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AKFlyFishingGds/