Can you believe it's June already?! May came and went with a splash as the Dolly Varden fishing kicked off early this year and continues to keep going. We realize a lot of you are probably beginning to burn out on shore fishing for Dollies, but there are still toads out there if you put in your time! The Dollies are not as condensed to one area, but places like Sheep Creek and Salmon Creek continue to produce good sized Dollies. (The Dolly photographed was caught Tuesday afternoon on the AK Clouser gray/white).
So, what we have all been waiting for, the salmon report...
We have heard some positive reports of schools of Kings scooting around town at Auke Creek and Salmon Creek. Salmon Creek, you typically have the best luck bracketing the low tide with bulky flies such as the Mr. Bodangles the Rockstar, or if you're fishing a floating line, the Guide Intruder. Auke Creek is usually a bracketing high tide fishery, with the same flies. So, theoretically you can hit two tides in one day! Now, to make things fun.... First customer to catch a King off the Juneau road system on the fly, with photographic proof wins their choice of ball cap from the shop! *Update* Kings must be at least 3+ years of age.... Thanks, Pat.
On the other hand, we heard no positive reports from the first opening day at Windfall Creek. It's no surprise that the Sockeye have not pushed in yet, but since everything else has been early this year, we can guess that we'll see some early pushes of Sockeye, especially if we get rain this week. Remember, Windfall is only open Wednesday's and Saturday's through the month of June, and then closed to fishing for the month of July. Try flies such as the Montana Brassie, Sockeye Lightning, and Copper swan.
Side note: We still have two spaces available in George Cook's Intro to Spey and Switch class Sunday morning from 9-noon. You need no experience what-so-ever. $75 + tax. Call the shop if you're interested!
Send fishing report photos and King photos to: