Celebrate your Independence Day with an independent fishing adventure!
The Dolly Varden are still on the move from saltwater to freshwater, and are a bit difficult to hunt down at the moment. Try fishing Salmon Creek with the Humpy Hooker, Cowee Creek with the Humpy Hooker, Peachy King Glo Bugs or B.H. Buggers in Thin Mint, or Black.
King Salmon can still be found around the Auke Bay area, on the last two hours of the incoming tide or the outgoing tide. Fishing for Kings around Auke Bay and Fish Creek has slowed down, and will probably taper off soon, so get out there while you still can! Try using flies like Mr. Bodangles in Pink or Chartreuse, the Rock star in Pinks or Chartreuse, or the Guide Intruder in Pink.
The Pink Salmon fishing is slowly beginning. The Pink salmon can be found milling around Echo cove at an outgoing to low, or an incoming from low tide. Pinks have also been spotted in Cowee Creek, down from the bridge. Try pink color patterns for the Pink Salmon; the Humpy Hooker, Sea runner Special, UV Calamari, and the Neon Shrimp- Candy Kane.
Finally, the Chum Salmon have begun to swarm the Salmon Creek and Peterson Creek areas- Expect to see them beg inning to return to Sheep Creek in another week or so. These salmon are a bit pickier when it comes to flies, but they love pink or purple flies. Try the Kilowatt- Purple, Hot Shot Comet- Pink or Purple, and the Egg Sucking Leech in Pink or Purple.
Also-- Remember, we have a couple more free casting lessons coming up!
Happy Fishing & Have a Happy Independence Day!
-Brad, Mike, Kayla & Chas