Fishing Report 7-4-19
Super Nice King from the Beach. Happy 4th of July! Even though the shop is closed on the 4th, we bring you fishy [...]
Super Nice King from the Beach. Happy 4th of July! Even though the shop is closed on the 4th, we bring you fishy [...]
Nick with some late evening chrome!This week is all about KINGS! We are entering the home stretch of the best king year in [...]
Damn, that is a big king!Kings lead off the news this week. The opener last Saturday was quite the banner day. Good catch [...]
Windfall Creek in Lake Mode. June 13 2019. Sockeye and king fishing are the big topics this week. As we mentioned last week, [...]
Beach Dolly Fishing is at its Peak!The Dolly fishing keeps heating up as we go deeper into the beach fishing season. There are [...]
Kia with a nice cutthroatAfter a whole bunch of fits and starts, the Dolly fishing is finally jamming. The DIPAC hatchery salmon fry [...]
AK Clouser Getting it DoneLooks like a beautiful three day weekend coming up! The tide swings will be moderate and the lows are [...]
Things are definitely on the upswing for sea run Dolly Varden fishing. Good catch reports have come in from Sheep Creek, the slide [...]
Chrome Steelhead! Not on the road system.A wet and soggy week around Juneau has the streams flowing at bank full levels. And with [...]
A nice spring Dolly off the beachWelcome to our first fish report of 2019! And I wish we had more to report...... although [...]
Winter Hours: Monday – Friday 11am – 5:30pm. Saturday 11am – 4:00pm. Sunday Closed.