Fishing Report 7-26-18
This last week has been another productive week on the water. From the amount of fish around to the beautiful weather we have [...]
This last week has been another productive week on the water. From the amount of fish around to the beautiful weather we have [...]
Fishing around the Juneau road system has continued to get better and better. There has been a good number of chum salmon returning [...]
Well, well, well . Another week has come and passed, and more and more fish are showing up around the Juneau area. For some [...]
This week the fishing has continued to get better and better. Shop employee, Mike Cole's, son Oliver with his first King Salmon! King [...]
King, Sockeye, Chum, Pink Salmon, and Dolly Varden... What are you going to fish for this weekend?!Brad Elfers and daughters with a bright [...]
The fishing is heating up all over Juneau. It is hard to choose what to chase right now since so much is going [...]
From left: Katie Harms with a King salmon on Dolly gear (don't worry, it was safely released). Garrett Hoyt's chrome Windfall Creek Sockeye [...]
Spring bright Dolly Varden caught by Jake Fleetwood. At this point in the season, variety is the name of the game. You could [...]
Dolly Varden? Bull Trout? A healthy Taku River specimine caught by David Miller. Well, this season has proven to test us as anglers [...]
Its been a busy week around town, and it is only going to get busier from here on out. The big news in [...]
Winter Hours: Monday – Friday 11am – 5:30pm. Saturday 11am – 4:00pm. Sunday Closed.