The days are wamring up nicely and fish are starting to move. After a cold April where temperatures rarely got out of the 50's, things are feeling springy.
The Dolly Varden are just starting to move out of the lakes and forage along the shoreline for salmon fry. They are notoriously hard to pin point this time of year but Thane Road and Amalga Harbor are gooding starting points. Rember that Eagle Beach and Auke Bay are closed to Dolly fishing until June 1. Check the regs for exact boundaries.
Cutthroat are becoming more active especially in the lakes. Try Auke Lake or the Dredge Lakes for early cutts. They generally like small bait fish patterns or dark colored leeches and buggers.
Finally, steelhead have barely made a showing yet. A few fish have been seen in Cowee Creek. This is probably a good place to start on the road system. Peterson Creek is extremely low due to the cold nights and dry conditions. You might give it a rest until the water levels improve. ADF&G has a weir on Peterson just below the Glacier Highway bridge again.
As we move into May things are just going to keep picking up.
See you on the water, Brad.