This fall we decided to host our first ever photo contest, focused on one of the most used flies in Alaska - The Dolly Llama. Well, from near and far we received dozens of photos of the Dolly Llama in action... The most difficult part was sitting down and deciding on the winners. After much deliberation, here they are:
If you have casted the Dolly Llama enough, you know that distinct "THWAP" as it slaps the back of your head as it rolls by on a windy day... What we didn't realize is that if you hit yourself hard enough, the hook can actually set straight down to the bone! Unfortunately this one was an ER visit. But it did come out with no long term damage.

Guaranteed ER visit.
A really nice Dolly with a Llama in its mouth. That about sums it up!
Whoever said a sockeye won't eat a fly obviously hasn't thrown a Dolly Llama at them....
I think we have all gotten a Dolly Llama stuck in a tree. But a Dolly Llama AND a fly reel stuck in a tree? Impressive.....
Thanks to everyone who submitted photos to the Dolly Llama contest. For the lucky first through third place winners, you will have some fly shop swag coming your way!
Here are a few more of our favorites...