Soft Beads from BnR Tackle are the next evolutionary step when it come to bead fishing for trout, steelhead and char. The neutral buoyancy of these beads allows for a more realistic drift, meanwhile the soft texture produces a more natural feel. With hard beads, fish tend to grab and spit them out. With a Soft Bead they will grab and hold. When the fishing in bonkers, this may not make too big of a difference, but when the fishing is tough or the trout are big and wary, the longer the fish holds onto a bead, the better chance of hooking 'em up!
BnR Tackle's Soft Beads look and feel natural, are easy to fish and are incredibly durable. Try them on your next trout or steelhead adventure.
How to Peg a Soft Bead [Video Duration 2:52min]