If you are trout fishing in Bristol Bay these are the beads you need. We’ve picked the best colors of Mottled Trout Beads that trout and Dolly Varden love to eat. The selection includes 8mm and 10mm beads, hooks, split shot, pegs and indicators all packed in a compartmentalized box.
The Bristol Bay Bead Selection covers all the bases, from the larger eggs of spawing kings and chum to the little eggs of the sockeye. The brighter red and orange colors imitate the eggs just being laid, while the cream and yellow beads resemble eggs that have been washed out of the spawning beds. All the beads are Mottled meaning they have a faint white flecking which is much more realistic and effective.
Selection includes beads in 8mm and 10mm in Mottled Natural Roe, M. Peach Roe, M. Tangerine, M. Orange Clear, M. Hot Cherry, M. Sun Orange, M. Mandarin Roe, and M. Salmon. Also included are #4 and #6 hooks Gamakatsu C14S hooks, BB and 3/0 split shot, a full 50-pack of Troutbead TB Peggz, four Thingamabobber indicators ( 2 – 3/4″ and 2 – 1″) all packed in a durable compartmentalized box.

Brad Elfers has been a fly fishing & river guide in Alaska since 1993.He opened Alaska Fly Fishing Goods in 1998.
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