Kenai Deluxe Large Bead Selection

Kenai Deluxe Large Bead Selection


The Kenai Deluxe Large Bead Selection is chock full of killer Mottled Troutbeads for rainbows and Dollies on the Kenai and surrounding rivers and tributaries. This box is money for rivers like the Naknek and other Bristol Bay drainages, too.

SKU: 2604 Category:


The Kenai River has large runs of all the species of salmon (pinks on even years.)  You’ll need a large selection of beads to match the spawn “hatch.”  This selection of Mottled Troutbeads covers you for all the fishing situations.  Whether you are fishing behind kings in the middle river, reds on the upper or pinks on the even years, this box has a bead size and color for the situation.

Selection consists of: 1- 14 compartment Mieho box., 20 each of #6 and #4 Gamakatsu  bead hooks, 30/20 of #BB/3/0 split shot, two 1″ Thingamabobber indicators, two 3/4″ Thinga-ma-bobber indicators, a full 50-pack of Troutbead Pegs.  Mottled Trout Beads in 6mm, 8mm and 10mm  in Dark Roe, Natural Roe, Ruby Roe, Montana Roe and Tangerine. Plus standard Troutbeads in Cotton Candy, Apricot and Salmon.

Brad Elfers has been a fly fishing & river guide in Alaska since 1993.He opened Alaska Fly Fishing Goods in 1998.
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Winter Hours: Monday – Friday 11am – 5:30pm. Saturday 11am – 4:00pm. Sunday Closed.


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