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  • How To’s

    The word is out: fishing beads for trout and steelhead is a deadly, effective method of fishing! And there’s more to bead fishing than meets the eye.

    Beads attract fish because they look like fish eggs that they want to eat. Beads come in a variety of sizes and colors to reflect the different roe (eggs) produced by different fish. For example, Sockeye salmon produce the smallest roe (6 mm). Coho roe are medium-sized (8 mm). King salmon produce the biggest (8-10 mm).

    If you are new to bead fishing, check out our how-to article, Beads: The Bare Naked Truth.

    If you have an idea of what you want, but aren’t quite sure, ask one of our knowledgeable staff at Alaska Fly Fishing Goods. Call (907) 586-1550 or email us for more information.

    FREE SHIPPING within the U.S. on orders of $200 or more.

    Winter Hours: Monday – Friday 11am – 5:30pm. Saturday 11am – 4:00pm. Sunday Closed.


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