Fishing in Alaska requires unique flies. Alaskan trout and char have a far different diet, and prefer very different flies, than trout that live elsewhere. Salmon and steelhead usually want an attractor pattern of a certain size, color and profile. Matching the right fly with the conditions you will face is the difference between catching a few fish and having a day of a lifetime.
We have the largest selection of Alaska fly fishing flies available anywhere. Whether you are catching salmon, trout, char, or grayling, we have the flies you need.
How do you know which fly patterns to buy? Our knowledgeable staff can help! Call (907) 586-1550 or email us for more information.
The Ultra Squid #2 is one of the coolest swinging flies for steelhead that we have seen in a long ti ...
Feenstra's Halloween and Grapefruit Leech #4 are killer swinging flies for big steelhead everywhere. ...
The Unreal Egg #12 is an awesome egg pattern for anglers who still don't want to fish beads or are f ...
The Plan B #12 is a great attractor dry fly for hungry trout in Alaska. Early in the season before ...
Otter's Soft Milking Egg Cluster #8 is made with an extremely tough "cluster" of little soft plastic ...
Maddin's Flash Monkey #4 is a great baitfish fly for the larger fish-eating species in Alaska such a ...
Keller's Ms. Tickle Cripple #16 is a perfect dry fly to fish when you need something that floats wel ...
The Hot Double Bead Steelhead Stone #8 is a great big stonefly attractor for both resident and anadr ...
The Hi-Vis Micro Chubby #14 by MFC is one of our favorite small foam attractor dries for fishing cut ...
Davie's Lightning Stone #8 is a rad purple stonefly with rubber legs. Nice and flash for when you ...
Bryn's Jig Front Street Stone #8 is an awesome early season stonefly imitation. Rivers like the Ke ...
Bryn's Jig AB Sally #14 is a killer little yellow sally nymph for when the trout are not keying in o ...
If you are permit fishing in Mexico or Belize, the Casa Blanca Crab #2 better be in your fly box! Th ...
If you are chasing permit the Flexo Crab is must-have. The unique mesh body lets water pass through ...
The Kushy Tushi is like a cross between a squid and a polychaete worm. The tungsten head and jig h ...
The Stinger Super Prawn is a classic steelhead swinging fly that is still one of our favorites to th ...
The Ultimate Steelhead Selection is perfect for the angler who wants 50 of the best steelhead flies ...
The Pike Dragon #2/0 is our first weedless popper specifically designed for HUGE northern pike. Wh ...