Pimp Shrimp #2

Pimp Shrimp #2


The Pimp Shrimp is a super nice big bonefish pattern for Hawaii, the Bahamas or anywhere else where bigger is better. This fly flat out moves in the water. Rubber legs in the pearl body as well as a rubber leg/Krystal Flash tail really looks like a shrimp swimming.

SKU: 50012 Categories: , , ,


We offer the Pimp Shrimp with either lighter bead chain eyes or heavier brass eyes. Overall fly length is approximately 2 3/4″.

Brad Elfers has been a fly fishing & river guide in Alaska since 1993.He opened Alaska Fly Fishing Goods in 1998.
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Winter Hours: Monday – Friday 11am – 5:30pm. Saturday 11am – 4:00pm. Sunday Closed.


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