The Pink Christmas Island Special is our secondary color choice after Orange. There are days when Pink is the winner and you will want to have these in your fly box. It is sparsely tied, which is what South Pacific bonefish like, and features brass eyes to get it down and turn it over on the notoriously windy flats.
Christmas Island Special – Pink
We carry Christmas Island Specials in #4, #6 and #8. The #4 and #6 have 5/32″ brass eyes and the #8’s have smaller 1/8″ brass eyes. The #6 is the ‘go to’ size and you will burn them up! The smaller and lighter #8’s are ideal when the tide is low, the flats are shallow and the bonefish get nervous.

Brad Elfers has been a fly fishing & river guide in Alaska since 1993.He opened Alaska Fly Fishing Goods in 1998.
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