When Dolly Varden and Cutthroat are feeding off the beaches and stream mouths, these 28 time-proven patterns will catch them. Dollies and Cutts are notorious piscivores (fish eaters.) This is especially true in the spring and early summer when the salmon fry are schooled in the stream mouths and off the beaches. These 26 patterns will catch fish all over Southeast, Kodiak and beyond.
Spring Sea-Run Dolly Varden & Cutthroat Fly Selection
$89.99 – $107.99
Includes AK Clouser Minnows in Olive/White and Gray/White, Red Tide Fry, Surface Poppers, Stinger Clousers in Olive/White and Gray/White, Salmon Fry, and more.
We suggest fishing these flies on a floating fly line with a Rio Trout 9 foot 2x (10lb) leader.
Purchase the selection as Flies Only or get one of our custom Alaska Fly Fishing Goods fly boxes for an additional $18. The box is double sided slit foam and measures 7.5″ x 4″ x 1.75″.
*Patterns may vary from photo. Qty: 26 Flies

Brad Elfers has been a fly fishing & river guide in Alaska since 1993.He opened Alaska Fly Fishing Goods in 1998.
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