There is no finer switch rod for the money. The Echo SR is crisp but easy to cast, has tons of power, and is equally at home doing Skagit-style casts on the river in the morning and bombing mega overhead casts off the beach in the afternoon. Plus it is a great looking rod! You won’t be disappointed.
Echo SR Switch Rods
From Us:
Reel Recommendations for either 7 or 8 weight rods:
-Sage Spectrum 9/10
-Nautilus CC-X2F 8/10
-Lamson Guru 3.5, Lamson Guru HD 3.5
Line Recommendations for the 7 weight:
Single Hand Lines:
-Rio Outbound WF-8 for beach casting or overhead casting from a boat
-Rio Power Fly WF-8-F for dry line and indicator use
Double Hand/Spey Lines 390-480 grains:
Skagit Compact lines in 425gr, 450gr, 45gr.-For use with a sink tip and heavier flies (We like the 450gr for most sink tip needs, but those who like to heavily load the rod may prefer the 475gr. Advanced casters with a tight casting stroke will prefer a lighter grain head such as the 425gr.)
-Airflo Rage Compact 420
Rio Switch Chucker WF7F
Line Recommendations for the 8 weight rod:
Single Hand Lines:
-Rio Outbound WF-9-F for beach casting or overhead casting from a boat
-Rio Predator WF-9-F or WF-10-F for dry line and indicator use
Skagit Compact 475gr, 500gr, 525gr.-For use with a sink tip and heavier flies
-Airflo Rage Compact 480 gr. This is a great choice for multiple applications.
Rio Switch Chucker WF8F
Poly Leaders/Sink Tips for both 7 & 8 weight rods:
-Airflo 10′ Polyleaders (Floating and Intermediate sink for use with Scandi Heads and Fast Sink-Extra Super Fast for use with Skagit-style heads.)
-Rio Medium MOW Tips (Use with Skagit style heads and lines.)
From Echo:
-Four piece travel design
-Alignment dots for quick assembly
-Compact upper handle design with composite upper end
-Black anodized aluminum reel seat
-Dark slate gloss blank
-Hard chrome single foot guides
-Olive cordura case with cloth sock
-40″ fish hero mark
-Echo lifetime warranty

Brad Elfers has been a fly fishing & river guide in Alaska since 1993.He opened Alaska Fly Fishing Goods in 1998.
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