Please make sure to enter the amount you would like to give in your gift certificate. We will email ...Please make sure to enter the amount you would like to give in your gift certificate. We will email the recipient a gift certificate with the coupon code that he/she can use on our online shop.
Sale!4-Strand Floss makes beautiful bodies on salmon flies. It lays very flat and the colors are amazingl ...4-Strand Floss makes beautiful bodies on salmon flies. It lays very flat and the colors are amazingly vibrant. As the name implies, this floss comes off the spool in four separate strands. 20 yards per spool.
Ribbing wire is ideal for adding extra strength to any pattern that has a palmered hackle. Wooly Bug ...Ribbing wire is ideal for adding extra strength to any pattern that has a palmered hackle. Wooly Buggers, Egg Sucking Leeches, etc will last much longer if they are wrapped with ribbing wire.
Out of stockMid to late morning, it is not unusual for a PMD hatch to come off in Bristol Bay. The Sparkle Dun PMD in #14 is an excellent match and will often fool big rainbows.
Peachy King, along with Champagne, are the core two colors that need to be in your box. Peachy King ...Peachy King, along with Champagne, are the core two colors that need to be in your box. Peachy King is the ideal combination of a somewhat fresh egg that has been in the water a short while. Not as bright as a super fresh egg like Flame, but bright enough to grab the attention of trout and Dollies.
Champagne, along with Peachy King, are the core two colors that need to be in your box. It is slight ...Champagne, along with Peachy King, are the core two colors that need to be in your box. It is slightly lighter than Peachy King and mimics a washed out egg that has been in the river longer.
Sale!Pink Lady (AKA Pink Panther) is deadly steelhead bead. Fish it unpainted or doctor it up with a coat ...Pink Lady (AKA Pink Panther) is deadly steelhead bead. Fish it unpainted or doctor it up with a coat of polish to really go big!
Sale!Black Widow (aka Cosmic Red) is another stealthy steelhead bead. It has a translucent red coloration ...Black Widow (aka Cosmic Red) is another stealthy steelhead bead. It has a translucent red coloration with subtle flecks in it.
Sale!Baby Pink (aka Cosmic Pink) is another super productive steelhead bead. Translucent Pink with sparkl ...Baby Pink (aka Cosmic Pink) is another super productive steelhead bead. Translucent Pink with sparkly flecks is a winner.
Sale!Nail Polish has accounted for a lot of steelhead over the years! ...Nail Polish has accounted for a lot of steelhead over the years!
Sale!Salmon Red is one of the original killer steelhead colors. The translucent red color is particularly ...Salmon Red is one of the original killer steelhead colors. The translucent red color is particularly effective on Columbia River tributaries. Fish it straight out of the pack or add some polish.
Sale!The Dark Peach Trout bead is a good bead to imitate salmon eggs that have been in the river for some ...The Dark Peach Trout bead is a good bead to imitate salmon eggs that have been in the river for some time.
Sale!Cotton Candy is the bead color formerly known as Washed Pink. It is one of the original dead egg sty ...Cotton Candy is the bead color formerly known as Washed Pink. It is one of the original dead egg styles and still fishes as well as ever. Give it a try during spring run off when last season's eggs are washing out of the gravel bars.
Sale!The Ruby Roe Trout Bead is a good attractor bead. Its translucent mega dark red color is especially ...The Ruby Roe Trout Bead is a good attractor bead. Its translucent mega dark red color is especially good in off-color or tanic water. Ruby is a first rate bead for painting, too.
Sale!Caramel Roe Trout Beads are a good milky egg imitation. The name fits the color perfectly and trout ...Caramel Roe Trout Beads are a good milky egg imitation. The name fits the color perfectly and trout and char like this one.
Sale!Dirty Roe Trout Beads have long been a guide secret. They are good "Plan B" dead egg imitations. Bus ...Dirty Roe Trout Beads have long been a guide secret. They are good "Plan B" dead egg imitations. Bust 'em out when other dead egg colors fail.