The word is out: fishing beads for trout and steelhead is a deadly, effective method of fishing! And there’s more to bead fishing than meets the eye.
Beads attract fish because they look like fish eggs that they want to eat. Beads come in a variety of sizes and colors to reflect the different roe (eggs) produced by different fish. For example, Sockeye salmon produce the smallest roe (6 mm). Coho roe are medium-sized (8 mm). King salmon produce the biggest (8-10 mm).
If you are new to bead fishing, check out our how-to article, Beads: The Bare Naked Truth.
If you have an idea of what you want, but aren’t quite sure, ask one of our knowledgeable staff at Alaska Fly Fishing Goods. Call (907) 586-1550 or email us for more information.
FREE SHIPPING within the U.S. on orders of $200 or more.
Sale!Pink Lady (AKA Pink Panther) is deadly steelhead bead. Fish it unpainted or doctor it up with a coat ...
Sale!Black Widow (aka Cosmic Red) is another stealthy steelhead bead. It has a translucent red coloration ...
Sale!Baby Pink (aka Cosmic Pink) is another super productive steelhead bead. Translucent Pink with sparkl ...
Sale!Nail Polish has accounted for a lot of steelhead over the years! ...
Sale!Salmon Red is one of the original killer steelhead colors. The translucent red color is particularly ...
Sale!The Dark Peach Trout bead is a good bead to imitate salmon eggs that have been in the river for some ...
Sale!Cotton Candy is the bead color formerly known as Washed Pink. It is one of the original dead egg sty ...
Sale!The Ruby Roe Trout Bead is a good attractor bead. Its translucent mega dark red color is especially ...
Sale!Caramel Roe Trout Beads are a good milky egg imitation. The name fits the color perfectly and trout ...
Sale!Dirty Roe Trout Beads have long been a guide secret. They are good "Plan B" dead egg imitations. Bus ...
Sale!Sun Orange is one shade lighter than Fluor Orange and is a favorite of dollies and arctic char. Tr ...
Sale!Steelhead like this bright blue puppy...don't know why, but they do. ...
Sale!Mauve Pearl is a shiny dead egg imitation that is especially good on dark days. This bead is also a ...
Sale!Apricot is hands-down one of our favorite dead eggs. Try an 8mm or 10mm behind spawning chums and ha ...
Sale!Pink is a good all-around attractor bead. Great color for steelies or early season for trout before ...
Sale!Everybody likes Cheese, right? A slightly more orange version of the Cream bead, Cheese imitates dea ...
Sale!This bead is a good mid-season dead egg. It imitates eggs that have been out of the salmon for a whi ...
Sale!The Cream Troutbead has accounted for many late season trout over the years. 10 and 8mm are excell ...