Fishing in Alaska requires unique flies. Alaskan trout and char have a far different diet, and prefer very different flies, than trout that live elsewhere. Salmon and steelhead usually want an attractor pattern of a certain size, color and profile. Matching the right fly with the conditions you will face is the difference between catching a few fish and having a day of a lifetime.
We have the largest selection of Alaska fly fishing flies available anywhere. Whether you are catching salmon, trout, char, or grayling, we have the flies you need.
How do you know which fly patterns to buy? Our knowledgeable staff can help! Call (907) 586-1550 or email us for more information.
Steelhead, chum, king and silvers will attack this prawn as it swings across the current. If you are ...
Olive Variant & White is one of the original Dolly Llama colors and it is as good today as ever. ...
The Black and Red Dolly Llama is just the ticket for big rainbows and arctic char. For small strea ...
Straight from the vise of legendary Alaskan guide Wally Adams, Al Green, aka The Green Headed Monste ...
Out of stock
The fuschia and white color combo are tried and true fantastic steelhead and salmon colors. Whether ...
When Dolly Varden and Cutthroat are feeding off the beaches and stream mouths, these 28 time-proven ...
If you are looking for spring trout in the rivers of Bristol Bay, the Kenai, or the Interior you nee ...
Clousers are one of the most popular bait fish patterns of all time. The Pink and White Clouser is g ...
You won't beieve this surface fly until you try it during the salmon spawn. Find a group of spawing ...
When the salmon are spawning, trout and char turn their full attention to eggs and chunks of dead sa ...
The Alaskan Bounty Hunter is always searching for the elusive big guy, the one that is at the top of ...
Spun deerhair, a foam lip, rubber legs and an orange butt that is like a bullseye for big rainbows. ...
A better mouse pattern! Short strikes and water-logged flies are thing of the past with Mr. Hankey. ...
Sometimes the trout want a slightly smaller profile mouse fly. The Mini Mr. Hankey fills the small m ...
Mickey is a plump little morsel that rainbows can't pass up. A foam body keeps him swimming high and ...
Salmon Pink & White is a primo flesh fly color. The #6 Little Brother version is super effective ...
A mouse fly built entirely around a strike indicator-like body! Talk about a hard to sink, waking mi ...