We choose these flies specifically for a species and time of the season. They are the hot flies that are fishing well right now!
Get a handful of our favorite coho flies and head out for some fun. Select 6 Flies or 12 Flies and w ...Get a handful of our favorite coho flies and head out for some fun. Select 6 Flies or 12 Flies and we'll pick them out for you.
When you are looking for Dollies in the creeks during July or August, these are the flies you will w ...When you are looking for Dollies in the creeks during July or August, these are the flies you will want. AK Clousers in bright colors, Honey Holes, Humpy Hookers (Dollies eat them, too!) and more. Choose from 6 or 12 flies.
Check out these prime sockeye flies! Sockeye Lanterns, Sockeye Lightning, Copper Swans and more. ...Check out these prime sockeye flies! Sockeye Lanterns, Sockeye Lightning, Copper Swans and more. Select 6 flies or 12 flies we’ll pick them out for you!
Get a handful of our favorite king flies and go hook up a bruiser! Select 6 Flies or 12 Flies and ...Get a handful of our favorite king flies and go hook up a bruiser! Select 6 Flies or 12 Flies and we’ll pick them out for you! The 12-fly selection will include a wider variety of swinging and stripping flies. Contents will vary depending on what is fishing best at the time.
If you want to chase steelhead in Southeast Alaska, we've got the flies you need to do it. Liquid Wr ...If you want to chase steelhead in Southeast Alaska, we've got the flies you need to do it. Liquid Wrenches, Egg Sucking Stones, Veiled Assassins, Rocket Man and more. Select 6 Flies or 12 Flies and we'll pick them out for you.
Check out these hot flies for chasing spring Dolly Varden and Sea Run Cutthroat. You will get a vari ...Check out these hot flies for chasing spring Dolly Varden and Sea Run Cutthroat. You will get a variety of salmon fry patterns which are Dollies' favorite food in the spring. AK Clouser Minnows, Epoxy Mini Minnows, Fryolators and more are included. Select 6 Flies or 12 Flies and we'll pick them out for you!