• The Pink Stinger Prawn is another hot fish color. Kings love pink and will take this color from tide ...
    The Pink Stinger Prawn is another hot fish color. Kings love pink and will take this color from tidewater all the way up to their spawning grounds.
  • Purple is a solid Stinger Prawn choice when you need a mellower fly color. Great for sulky fish a wa ...
    Purple is a solid Stinger Prawn choice when you need a mellower fly color. Great for sulky fish a way up the river.
  • You don't want to fish for silvers without Purple & Pink Dolly Llamas in your fly box. Ridiculou ...
    You don't want to fish for silvers without Purple & Pink Dolly Llamas in your fly box. Ridiculously effective! It is also a first rate steelhead and king fly.
  • The Jumbo Critter has been around for a while for good reason.  It is easy to cast and has a large ...
    The Jumbo Critter has been around for a while for good reason.  It is easy to cast and has a large underwater profile big fish can't resist.
  • Squidro takes the Intruder-style fly to the next level. The silicone legs have amazing action and cr ...
    Squidro takes the Intruder-style fly to the next level. The silicone legs have amazing action and create a large, squid-like profile.    
  • George Cook's revolutionary line of marabou flies continue to catch fish all over Alaska. The Popsic ...
    George Cook's revolutionary line of marabou flies continue to catch fish all over Alaska. The Popsicle has a color combination like no other silver fly and is a first rate fish catcher. A selection of Alaskabou's should be in your fly box.
  • The Blue and Black Trailer Trash is large in profile but very light weight. A lack of lead eyes make ...
    The Blue and Black Trailer Trash is large in profile but very light weight. A lack of lead eyes make this one of the easiest to cast king and steelhead flies. This dark shaded pattern is ideal for late season and upriver fish that have turned off the bright flies.
  • The Pink/Black Hareball is a classic "upriver" fly for silvers, kings and chum. It has just the righ ...
    The Pink/Black Hareball is a classic "upriver" fly for silvers, kings and chum. It has just the right mix of dark with hints of attraction. Salmon that have been in the river for awhile are suckers for this fly!
  • There is something about Pink/Black Articulated Hareballs that sticky upriver fish can't resist. May ...
    There is something about Pink/Black Articulated Hareballs that sticky upriver fish can't resist. Maybe it is the mostly dark fly with just hints of pink that wakes up the fish. Whatever the case, it works well for kings and coho when bright flies are not getting it done. Articulated Hareballs are 5 inches in length, have heavy lead eyes, and are constructed of rabbit wrapped over sparkly cactus chenille. They are the perfect combination of flash, big profile and action.
  • Our custom Pink & Orange Dolly Llama is a prime silver and steelhead fly. Whether swung or strip ...
    Our custom Pink & Orange Dolly Llama is a prime silver and steelhead fly. Whether swung or stripped, this fly will hook 'em up!
  • The change-up color in the Articulated Hareball line up. Blue can be strangely effective for fussy s ...
    The change-up color in the Articulated Hareball line up. Blue can be strangely effective for fussy silvers, kings and steelhead on the swing. Have a couple of these in your fly box. Articulated Hareballs are 5 inches in length, have heavy lead eyes, and are constructed of rabbit wrapped over sparkly cactus chenille. They are the perfect combination of flash, big profile and action.
  • The Purple Egg Hareball combines all the fish catching qualities of the Egg Sucking Leech and the Ha ...
    The Purple Egg Hareball combines all the fish catching qualities of the Egg Sucking Leech and the Hareball Leech. It is a favorite fly for just about all kinds of salmon. Lead eyes, rabbit strip body, and some flash are a recipe for a great fly.
  • Pink/Chartreuse is another super-effective Articulated Hareball color combo for hot kings and silver ...
    Pink/Chartreuse is another super-effective Articulated Hareball color combo for hot kings and silver. Articulated Hareballs are 5 inches in length, have heavy lead eyes, and are constructed of rabbit wrapped over sparkly cactus chenille. They are the perfect combination of flash, big profile and action.
  • Fuschia is one of our favorite king colors in the Articulated Hareball line up. This fly gets down a ...
    Fuschia is one of our favorite king colors in the Articulated Hareball line up. This fly gets down and has amazing action. It also is an outstanding steelhead and silver fly. Articulated Hareballs are 5 inches in length, have heavy lead eyes, and are constructed of rabbit wrapped over sparkly cactus chenille. They are the perfect combination of flash, big profile and action.
  • The Chartreuse Black Articulated Hareball produces from the tidewater zone all the way upstream. The ...
    The Chartreuse Black Articulated Hareball produces from the tidewater zone all the way upstream. The black collar tones down the fly and makes it a favorite of kings and silvers. Equally effective on the swing or on the strip retrieve.
  • The Signature Intruder is a "must-have" in the fly box for kings, silvers and steelhead.  This easy ...
    The Signature Intruder is a "must-have" in the fly box for kings, silvers and steelhead.  This easy to cast fly is perfect for swinging on your favorite two hand rod.
  • There is something wicked about the added black collar and egg head on this fly. It is a favorite fl ...
    There is something wicked about the added black collar and egg head on this fly. It is a favorite fly for silver salmon. Lead eyes, rabbit strip body, and some flash are a recipe for a great fly.
  • The Black & Chartreuse Dolly Llama is a great color combo for kings, steelhead, silvers and chum ...
    The Black & Chartreuse Dolly Llama is a great color combo for kings, steelhead, silvers and chum. Equally effective on fish that have just entered freshwater and sticky fish that have been in awhile. An AFFG exclusive fly.

Summer Hours: Monday – Friday 9AM – 6:00PM. Saturday 10AM – 5PM. Sunday Noon – 5pm. Orders are shipping daily.