Out of stockMilk Fish are notorious grazers of plankton which makes them a tough target on the fly. The Milk Fish Snack mimics the seaweed that plankton attach themselves to. Milk Fish will search out this seaweed so they can get a big bite of their favorite food. When you do hook one hang on! It is tied with Rams Wool so it will very slowly descend and stay in the strike zone for a longer period of time.
The P Diddy bonefish fly is a sleek and stealthy little bug that won't spook wary bonefish. It has l ...The P Diddy bonefish fly is a sleek and stealthy little bug that won't spook wary bonefish. It has light weight medium bead chain eyes under a dubbed head. A very nice Christmas Island, South Pacific or shallow flats pattern.
Rio's Playbate is everything you want in a baitfish pattern. Flashy but not too flashy, lightweight ...Rio's Playbate is everything you want in a baitfish pattern. Flashy but not too flashy, lightweight and easy to cast, a big eye for predators to nail, and just the right color combination. The Chartreuse is money for coho in the saltwater or estuary. Silvers love chartreuse and the flash in this one is like ringing the dinner bell.
The Worm Bite is a sneaky little bonefish pattern that produces anywhere sparse patterns work. This ...The Worm Bite is a sneaky little bonefish pattern that produces anywhere sparse patterns work. This fly is a winner for Christmas Island, the South Pacific or when big spooky bones won't take larger flies.
Christmas Island bonefish love a worm fly. And when you are pursuing bonefish in less than 2 feet of ...Christmas Island bonefish love a worm fly. And when you are pursuing bonefish in less than 2 feet of water, you need a fly that lands gently and won't spook fish.