Out of stockThis tasty little saltwater morsel is just what cruising silver, pink and chum salmon love. The Pink version has pale pink tentacles, a glass bead body that makes the fly dip and dive, and a super realistic look in the water. Strip this fly in erratically or let it slowly swing in the current.
The Little McFry is a mini version of the Lord of the Frys and is a great early season pattern for t ...The Little McFry is a mini version of the Lord of the Frys and is a great early season pattern for trout. If there are sockeye fry out-migrating, you should have this fly in your box.
The Lord of the Frys is an amazingly realistic little baitfish pattern. A great fly to have on your ...The Lord of the Frys is an amazingly realistic little baitfish pattern. A great fly to have on your line during the spring smolt out-migration.
We gave the classic Gastineau Salmon Fry a revamp and it fishes better than ever. Don't let the simp ...We gave the classic Gastineau Salmon Fry a revamp and it fishes better than ever. Don't let the simple look of this fly fool you, it is a fish catcher. It is particularly effective early in the fry out-migration or off the beaches.
Maddin's Flash Monkey #4 is a great baitfish fly for the larger fish-eating species in Alaska such a ...Maddin's Flash Monkey #4 is a great baitfish fly for the larger fish-eating species in Alaska such as rainbows, bit S.E. cutts, Dolly Varden, arctic char and lake trout. This is also a great pattern to toss for sheefish and giant bull trout if you are lucky enough to find them.
The UV Blue Pearl Red Tide fry lights up the trout. At only 1 inch in length, it fills the spot of l ...The UV Blue Pearl Red Tide fry lights up the trout. At only 1 inch in length, it fills the spot of little fry patterns. It has been amazingly effective since we started fishing it.
The little 1 inch UV Red Tide Fry are like magic. The Green Pearl is a realistic epoxy minnow with a ...The little 1 inch UV Red Tide Fry are like magic. The Green Pearl is a realistic epoxy minnow with a tiny wiggling tail that gets attacked by foraging trout.
Rio's Sir Sticks a Lot is a wicked jig fly for trout, but in these two colors it also works well for ...Rio's Sir Sticks a Lot is a wicked jig fly for trout, but in these two colors it also works well for big Dolly Varden in the saltwater.
The Sculp Fry is a heavy, down-eye baitfish pattern designed to mimic a variety of fry and sculpin. ...The Sculp Fry is a heavy, down-eye baitfish pattern designed to mimic a variety of fry and sculpin. Strip fast or swing in heavier currents for best results.
During the spring fry bust, trout and Dolly Varden can come completely unglued for a topwater waking ...During the spring fry bust, trout and Dolly Varden can come completely unglued for a topwater waking pattern. Enter the Sea Run Slider. If there is current try waking this fly or even letting it hang at the end of your drift. This technique can trigger slashing attacks. In calm water situation stripping the fly can be deadly effective.
Senyo's Artificial Intelligence is one of the go to swinging flies for S.E. Alaska. The wide head ...Senyo's Artificial Intelligence is one of the go to swinging flies for S.E. Alaska. The wide head pushes water and the flash works extremely well in our tannic coastal rivers.
When big trout are on the prowl in the spring, the Skiddish Smolt is on the menu. The seductive comb ...When big trout are on the prowl in the spring, the Skiddish Smolt is on the menu. The seductive combination of ostrich, peacock and flash with a bright red underbody is irresistible to trout. You can swing this fly on your trout Spey rod or strip it erratically.
The Small Fry is a very realistic medium-profile fry pattern. It has a big eye and distinct parr mar ...The Small Fry is a very realistic medium-profile fry pattern. It has a big eye and distinct parr marks which trout key in on. We have had some amazing days swinging this fly along cutbanks and around log jams.
When Dolly Varden and Cutthroat are feeding off the beaches and stream mouths, these 28 time-proven ...When Dolly Varden and Cutthroat are feeding off the beaches and stream mouths, these 28 time-proven patterns will catch them. Dollies and Cutts are notorious piscivores (fish eaters.) This is especially true in the spring and early summer when the salmon fry are schooled in the stream mouths and off the beaches. These 26 patterns will catch fish all over Southeast, Kodiak and beyond.
The Gray Stinger Chumpy is slightly more translucent in the water and entices predatory trout to cha ...The Gray Stinger Chumpy is slightly more translucent in the water and entices predatory trout to chase it down and hammer it. Gray is a the back up color you want when Olive isn't getting it done.
Olive is the first color you grab when the fry bust is happening. Off the beach or in the river, the ...Olive is the first color you grab when the fry bust is happening. Off the beach or in the river, the Olive Stinger Chumpy is money!
Silvers and pinks already love Clouser Minnows. Add in a stinger hook and its almost not fair! Great ...Silvers and pinks already love Clouser Minnows. Add in a stinger hook and its almost not fair! Great in the saltwater, estuary and even upriver. Now with a larger #2 hook for landing those big coho.
These Stinger Clousers are one of our go to flies for spring Dollies and trout. Equally good in the ...These Stinger Clousers are one of our go to flies for spring Dollies and trout. Equally good in the rivers or off the beach, this fly looks great in the water. With a trailing hook and white eyes, Dollies in the saltwater can't resist them!