Spun deerhair, a foam lip, rubber legs and an orange butt that is like a bullseye for big rainbows. ...Spun deerhair, a foam lip, rubber legs and an orange butt that is like a bullseye for big rainbows. The Preparation H Mouse is a winner!
Dance like a butterfly, sting like a bee, I'm gonna hook the fish that bites me. We bred two of the ...Dance like a butterfly, sting like a bee, I'm gonna hook the fish that bites me. We bred two of the greatest mouse patterns of all time to come up with a new champion. This new King of the Ring incorporates the foam and deer hair of the Morrish Mouse and the rubber legs and stinger hook from Mr. Hankey. The up-turned #4 barbless stinger allow you to fish Stinger Mouse in places M's Mouse couldn't even dream of roaming. Plus fish get hooked in the jaw for easy releases.
Montana Fly Company's Wiggle Lemming is as real as it gets when it comes to mouse flies. The long ta ...Montana Fly Company's Wiggle Lemming is as real as it gets when it comes to mouse flies. The long tail and articulated rear end really make this fly look like a mouse swimming in the current. We consistently see some of the biggest rainbows falling for this pattern.