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Flat Waxed Nylon is our favorite all around fly tying thread. It is super strong, lays flat, and the ...Flat Waxed Nylon is our favorite all around fly tying thread. It is super strong, lays flat, and the colors are ideal for Alaska flies. We recommend it for any flies with lead eyes. 100 yard spools.
Sale!4-Strand Floss makes beautiful bodies on salmon flies. It lays very flat and the colors are amazingl ...4-Strand Floss makes beautiful bodies on salmon flies. It lays very flat and the colors are amazingly vibrant. As the name implies, this floss comes off the spool in four separate strands. 20 yards per spool.
The Ahrex PR360 Jig Hook is a longer shank, wide gap hook that is great for aggressive and powerful ...The Ahrex PR360 Jig Hook is a longer shank, wide gap hook that is great for aggressive and powerful fish. We also love it for Dolly Varden since the long shank leads to more hook ups when they are nipping at the tail.
Tie up 20 AK Clousers in a variety of colors and sizes. The AK Clouser is a killer spring trout and ...Tie up 20 AK Clousers in a variety of colors and sizes. The AK Clouser is a killer spring trout and Dolly Varden fly that has proven itself over the years. From freshwater to estuaries & saltwater beaches, the AK Clouser lights 'em up!
Take your Dolly Llamas to the next level with new colored cones. Black & White Dolly Llama with ...Take your Dolly Llamas to the next level with new colored cones. Black & White Dolly Llama with a Copper cone: Sick. Any trout Dolly Llama with a Black cone: stealthy. And the Matte Black is just dirty. The 3/8" cones are perfect for #2 and #4 Dolly Llamas. 15 per pack.
Sale!Alec Jackson Spey Hooks are considered by many tiers to be the most beautiful and functional salmon ...Alec Jackson Spey Hooks are considered by many tiers to be the most beautiful and functional salmon fly hooks. They have a perfectly curved shank and tapered loop eye. 10 hooks per pack.
Angel Hair is a very fine and very flashy wing material. It is ideal for baitfish imitations, Clouse ...Angel Hair is a very fine and very flashy wing material. It is ideal for baitfish imitations, Clouser Minnows, or chopped up and mixed with your favorite dubbing. It is slightly uneven in length and runs 6"-8".
Check out these sweet dumbell eyes from Aqua Flies. These are the same eyes they use on their Intrud ...Check out these sweet dumbell eyes from Aqua Flies. These are the same eyes they use on their Intruders and Mini Intruders and the fluorescent colors are really eye popping. They are constructed of brass with a powder coating and come in 4 killer colors and 2 sizes. 20 eyes per pack.
If you are looking for the perfect salmon fly stinger hook, this is it. The Aqua Talon Swing hooks w ...If you are looking for the perfect salmon fly stinger hook, this is it. The Aqua Talon Swing hooks were designed by Jerry French (of Intruder fly fame) and Aqua Flies. They are super sharp, feature just the right wire diameter to penetrate easily without sacrificing strength, and have a micro barb that can be left in tact or flattened easily. 25 per pack.
The arrow point scissor has a very fine point for making accurate cuts. Its 3.5" total length makes ...The arrow point scissor has a very fine point for making accurate cuts. Its 3.5" total length makes it one of our more compact scissors and is very easy to tie with in your hand.
Blue Fox Tail makes wonderfully supple tails and wings on salmon and trout flies. It also can be put ...Blue Fox Tail makes wonderfully supple tails and wings on salmon and trout flies. It also can be put in a dubbing loop and made into a collar. All colors have dark tips. i.e. the pink is mostly pink in color with dark brownish tips.
A very nice quality bobbin threader from Stonfo of Italy. The higher quality wire and components in ...A very nice quality bobbin threader from Stonfo of Italy. The higher quality wire and components in the Stonfo threader will last much longer than basic threaders.