Feathers for tying salmon and Spey flies along with Classic Salmon Fly substitutes for hard to find feathers.
Teal Flank is slightly smaller than mallard flank but the barring on it is much bolder and cleaner. ...
Teal Flank is slightly smaller than mallard flank but the barring on it is much bolder and cleaner. Useful on salmon flies as a wing or wrapped as a collar.
A complete Golden Pheasant Skin with Head. This is perfect for the tyer who want the whole range of ...
A complete Golden Pheasant Skin with Head. This is perfect for the tyer who want the whole range of feathers from a golden pheasant. Does not include tail feathers.
A complete Golden Pheasant Head and Crest for salmon flies. Golden Pheasant Crests make beautiful t ...
A complete Golden Pheasant Head and Crest for salmon flies. Golden Pheasant Crests make beautiful tails and toppings on salmon flies. The Tippets are ideal for tails and wings.
Complete Golden Pheasant Tippet makes striking tails and wings on salmon flies. ...
Complete Golden Pheasant Tippet makes striking tails and wings on salmon flies.
These are some of the nicest quality strung Guinea Feathers we have found. They fold nicely and make ...
These are some of the nicest quality strung Guinea Feathers we have found. They fold nicely and make beautiful, mottled collars on salmon and steelhead flies.
Schlappen feathers are wide and webby and make awesome salmon flies. The individual barbs are much s ...
Schlappen feathers are wide and webby and make awesome salmon flies. The individual barbs are much softer than standard hackle and flow enticingly in the water. Great for hackling or wrapping collars.