The Pearl White Chromer Snack is a great change up fly to throw at steelhead or silvers if they aren ...The Pearl White Chromer Snack is a great change up fly to throw at steelhead or silvers if they aren't grabbing bright colors. It is also a solid flesh/attractor trout fly. Dollies love it! Designed by Keith Graham, former co-owner of Worldwide Anglers in Anchorage, it has a pearl mylar body, lead eyes tied on the bottom of the hook, and a dubbed head. Just right for swinging or stripping, this fly is a winner. An AFFG exclusive fly.
Silvers and steelhead beware! The Pink with Purple Head Chromer Snack is a fly big fish can't resist ...Silvers and steelhead beware! The Pink with Purple Head Chromer Snack is a fly big fish can't resist. Designed by Keith Graham, former co-owner of Worldwide Anglers in Anchorage, it has a pearl mylar body, lead eyes tied on the bottom of the hook, and a dubbed head. Just right for swinging or stripping, this fly is a winner. An AFFG exclusive fly.
The Purple Chromer Snack takes the Egg Sucking Leech to the next level. Designed by Keith Graham, f ...The Purple Chromer Snack takes the Egg Sucking Leech to the next level. Designed by Keith Graham, former co-owner of Worldwide Anglers in Anchorage, it has a pearl mylar body, lead eyes tied on the bottom of the hook, and a dubbed head. Just right for swinging or stripping, this fly is a winner. An AFFG exclusive fly.
Chubby Chernobyl’s float high, imitate a number of different insects on the surface, are very life ...Chubby Chernobyl’s float high, imitate a number of different insects on the surface, are very lifelike on the water. You can drop a nymph (or bead!) off the back of them, and they drive trout crazy.
If you are fishing in July or August you will undoubtedly run into chum & pink salmon. The 30 fl ...If you are fishing in July or August you will undoubtedly run into chum & pink salmon. The 30 flies in this selection will take these salmon in all locations!
This wicked little fry pattern is a fish catcher. Just a hint of flash from the pearlescent body, a ...This wicked little fry pattern is a fish catcher. Just a hint of flash from the pearlescent body, a sparse squirrel tail wing, big eyes and a red throat. All packed in a one-inch-long fly.
When a darker pattern is in order, the Black Chumpy is ideal. This fly really fishes well in dark, o ...When a darker pattern is in order, the Black Chumpy is ideal. This fly really fishes well in dark, off-color or tannic water.
Clear orange is another of the prime colors you have to have in your bead box. If you are painting b ...Clear orange is another of the prime colors you have to have in your bead box. If you are painting beads Clear Orange is a must.
The Clouser Minnow in Chartreuse & White is THE most deadly fly for silvers in the saltwater and ...The Clouser Minnow in Chartreuse & White is THE most deadly fly for silvers in the saltwater and inter-tidal zone. Strip it steadily or swing it. An absolute must-have fly in your coho box.
All pink Clousers are money! Fat sea run Dollies and Cutts can't stay off them and silvers, chums, a ...All pink Clousers are money! Fat sea run Dollies and Cutts can't stay off them and silvers, chums, and pinks crush them on sight. You won't find this fly anywhere but at AFFG.
Chartreuse & Yellow is another awesome Clouser Minnow that silver salmon can't resist. The two c ...Chartreuse & Yellow is another awesome Clouser Minnow that silver salmon can't resist. The two colors are just different enough to set each other off and give the fly an enticing look. They are deadly both in the saltwater and the lower reaches of the river. Add a couple to your fly box.
The Coho Seducer is a killer new Clouser Minnow. Chartreuse, White and Blue with a mix of flash make ...The Coho Seducer is a killer new Clouser Minnow. Chartreuse, White and Blue with a mix of flash make up this salmon and trout slayer. Part realistic baitfish and part attractor, the Seducer has it going on.
The classic Egg Sucking Leech color combo (Pink & Purple) on a Clouser Minnow. Do we need to say ...The classic Egg Sucking Leech color combo (Pink & Purple) on a Clouser Minnow. Do we need to say any more? Silvers eat it up. An AFFG exclusive fly.